The functions of Customizing CEM4 are mainly found within the Administration section.
These functions allow you to modify and extend the program beyond that organize the work of users.
You have the following functions:
- Company Details
and the menu of Directors:
- Manage Rules;
- Manage Checklist;
- Manage Hazards;
- Manage Signs;
- Manage Seztion Technical File;
- Manage User;
CEM4 customizations the Properties window "Company Info", accessible from the Tools menu.
Company details - General
Specify Details Company to customize reports for printing documents generated by CEM4.
The setting of the details of your company, define who use the product, the data entered will appear in the footer in the documents generated by CEM4.
It's possible insert Logo and Profile access program.
Company details - Access CEM4
Click on the Access program to set the type of use of the software (single user or multi-user).
If you choose the single user will not be prompted for authentication when the program starts.
Generally it is advisable to leave the multi-user mode, because more secure and allows you to better manage the organization of work between different users accessing program.
Consult the online help or manual for specifics on User Administration.
The Administration section, described below in detail, present in CEM4 Home allows you to manage:
1. Manage Rules;
2. Manage Checklist;
3. Manage Hazards;
4. Manage Signs;
5. Manage Section Technical File;
6. Manage User;
The functions in the Administration section allows the User to define certain functions of CEM4 in order to customize its use.
1. Administration - Manage Rules
Rules Management section, you can define rules with New User requirements can be inserted through the section Rules (see Manage rules) those rules will be possible to carry out a Risk Assessment.
The rules included will be visible and can be selected to carry out the Risk Assessment on them, at the time of the insertion of a machinery and its properties, and will be displayed in the folder of the FT Custom Risk Assessment, the rules selected will be shown in EC Declaration of Conformity.
The database can be managed with the insertion of the requirements of Technical Standards, Guidelines, etc., and with the function of the Import Rules to file in the File menu, CEM file can be inserted in Rule form.
2. Administration - Manage Check list
Management Checklist section, you can define New checklist with requirements section inserted by the user through the checklist (see Manage rules) those rules will be possible to make a Conformity Assessment.
The Checklist included will be visible and can be selected to Conformity Assessment on the same at the time of the insertion of a machinery and its properties, and will be displayed in the folder of the FT Custom Checklist assessment.
The Checklist selected (if esmpio related to C-type standards) may be given in the EC Declaration of Conformity.
The database can be managed with the insertion of the requirements of Technical Standards, Guidelines, etc., and with the function of the Import check list from this file in the File menu, CEM file can be inserted in the Checklist form.
3. Administration - Manage Hazards
In this section, there is a selectable list of hazards in the process of Risk assessment.
Initially, the database contains a number of dangers predefined the user can add other hazards through function Manage hazards.
4. Administration - Manage signs
In Manage Signs, there are a list of signs.
The user can add new panels and customize the captions of the existing.
5. Administration - Manage Section Technical File
In Manage Section FT, there are predefined sections to organize the Technical File.
The user can add new sections or update your existing ones.
6. Administration - Manage User
In Manage User section, you can manage users working in CEM4, and to establish the privileges of the same.
The User represents a person or a group of people who work on the documents of all the machines on behalf of the manufacturer or consultants (if your software is used to draw up the documents for their own engines).
- Published: 07 November 2013
- Hits: 13759