CEM4 March 2023 Update (Step 1/3 Machinery Regulation 2023)
CEM4 March 2023 Update (Step 1/3 Machinery Regulation 2023)
March 31, 2023
Starting from this version, the CEM4 update roadmap to comply with the 2023 Machinery Regulation has begun. The CEM4 update is planned into 3 steps, through the proposed automatic software updates.
Phase | Update (*) | Type | Value | User side |
Step 1/3 Machinery Regulation 2023 | March 2023 Update | Structure | Compulsory | See attached note |
Step 2/3 Machinery Regulation 2023 | June-August 2023 Update (**) | Structure | Compulsory | --- |
Step 3/3 Machinery Regulation 2023 | October-December 2023 Update (**) | Database | Compulsory | Update completed |
The update will be transparent User side and, at the end of Step 3, when opening the software and in every moment, it will be possible to choose which rule to use between the Directive 2006/42/EC and the new Machinery Regulation 2023.
The Machinery Regulation 2023, which will be probably published during the first half of the year 2023, will coexist with the Directive 2006/42/EC for a transitional period and its application will become mandatory after 42 months (3 years and 6 months) since its date of entry into force.
After the installation of March 2023 Update, the CEM4 Home may display the following warning banner (if there are any obsolete and not compatible Risk Assessments, so called "Legacy"):
We suggest to read carefully the Attached document related the documents "Legacy" Risk Assessments.
(*) During the development there may be further updates inside the 3 planned steps.
(**) Estimated release, please read the attached document.
Procedure to save not compatible risk assessments (translated from the user manual)
The risk assessments are the most important documents in the Technical File and are supported by CEM4 since the first versions. However, during the years, for technical or legal reasons, it has been necessary to develop several updates related to this type of document. The most important changes have been, chronologically:
- Full support to Directive 2006/42/EC (since version 4.0.3, released on July 22, 2009);
- Pre-risk and follow-up risk assessments with "ISO/TR 14121-2:2013 p 6.5 Hybrid Method" (since version 4.1.4, released on September 17, 2010);
- English localisation of the software (since version 4.3.0, released on September 9, 2011);
- New "Risk Assessment (by hazards)" based on a method selected by the user according to his needs and cases (since version 4.8.0 (Build 0), released on November 18, 2016);
- New "Risk Assessment (by requirements)" based on a method selected by the user according to his needs and cases (since version 4.8.6 (Build 0), released on May 19, 2017).
In order to ease the running of the Technical File and to offer new features in the future (like the support to the new Machinery Regulation 2023), the versions after - March 2023 Update will support only the risk assessments with a method. The old "legacy" documents will be automatically converted only when possible, according to the conditions written in the following table.
Risk assessment (legacy) | Risk Assessment (by requirements) | ||||
Old type | Description | Risk evaluation | New type | Description | Selected method |
RA1 | Risk Assessment Req. Annex I Dir. 98/37/EC | Any | Not compatible, see note 1 | ||
RA2 | Risk Assessment Req. Annex I Dir. 2006/42/EC | Simplified Method | Not compatible, see note 2 | ||
RA2 | Risk Assessment Req. Annex I Dir. 2006/42/EC | ISO/TR 14121-2:2013 p 6.5 Hybrid Method | RA1 | Risk Assessment (by requirements) | EHSR RA/rules |
RAX | Custom Risk Assessment | Simplified Method | Not compatible, see note 2 | ||
RAX | Custom Risk Assessment | ISO/TR 14121-2:2013 p 6.5 Hybrid Method | RX1 | Custom Risk Assessment (by requirements) | EHSR RA/rules |
CKL | Assessment Check List | Any | CK1 | Assessment Check List | Check list |
- Note 1: in the next versions of the software, the document will not be opened, printed, exported, copied or created.
- Note 2: as note 1. Anyway in this case the user, if necessary, may manually convert the risk evaluations from the Simplified Method to the Hybrid Method. This conversion is available in the document window as a "last minute" chance offered by this version of the software.
In order to prepare properly for the upcoming new system, the CEM4 version - March 2023 Update exclusively offers the chance to export in PDF format, Crystal Report and Microsoft Word all the legacy risk assessments not compatible with the next versions. The user can keep an archive copy of the documents in the aforementioned formats and possibly attach the exported reports as embedded resources of the Technical File. To copy and save the files on the database, we suggest to follow the procedure written in the user manual (attached here).
Download Document VR "Legacy"
About CEM4 March 2023 Update
31/03/2023: - March 2023 Update
- 0003254: [Feature] New statistics counters for documents types of Technical File
- 0003249: [Import/export] New identification system for exchange files formats
- 0003258: [Print report] Mass print: Crystal Report limit
- 0003252: [Home] Feature for searching "legacy" risk assessments not compatibile with the conversion and for exporting in PDF or RPT to the database
- 0003067: [Home] Dashboard: some changes to the last session widget for the working session of the user
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- Published: 02 April 2023
- Hits: 2898