Risk Assessment Complete summary: Overview State
RA Complete summary: Overview State Risk Assessment
CEM4: from Rel 4.5.3
From Rel 4.5.3 of CEM4, to facilitate immediate understanding of the Risk Assessment has been prepared a new report "RA Complete summary", with which, in addition to the existing video display of the status of the ongoing, Applicability/Compliance with set values and controls in the preview CEM4, you can print/export the overall state of RA in a few pages, and to have an overview the trend/state of Risk Assessment, and not forcibly to all the print/export.
The value of the "PASS CARD VR" is the value that indicates, according to the rating made, if the card is VR PASS Compliance and the requirement for evaluation is "Compliance".
- Published: 03 August 2017
- Hits: 11826