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The best software solution for the Machinery Directive

CEM4: view the New Standard Risk Assessment EN ISO 12100

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The best software solution for Machinery Directive

Download CEM4 free trial 30 days

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The best software solution for Machinery Directive

CEM4 Edition 2017: view the New Standard Risk Assessment EN ISO 12100

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The best software solution for Machinery Directive

CEM4 Edition 2017: view the New Standard Risk Assessment EN ISO 12100

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The best software solution for Machinery Directive

CEM4 Edition 2017: view the New Standard Risk Assessment EN ISO 12100

Download CEM4 free trial 30 days

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The best software solution for Machinery Directive

CEM4 Edition 2017: view the New Standard Risk Assessment EN ISO 12100

Download CEM4 free trial 30 days

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certifico machinery directive

The best software solution for Machinery Directive

CEM4 Edition 2017: view the New Standard Risk Assessment EN ISO 12100

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certifico machinery directive

The best software solution for Machinery Directive



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CEM4: Marcatura CE di linee

CEM4: Gestire la marcatura CE di linee

In CEM4 sono disponibili due tipologie di progetti: 

1. Progetti tradizionali
2. Progetti di linea

I progetti tradizionali permettono all'utente di inserire solamente macchine tradizionali.

Viceversa, i progetti di linea contengono una linea e i suoi relativi componenti.

Per contrassegnare un progetto come "di linea" è sufficiente, in fase di creazione del progetto, contrassegnarlo come "di linea" agendo sull'apposito campo nella scheda "Generale".

Nota bene
Un progetto può essere contrassegnato come di linea solo mentre viene creato. Non è possibile cambiare il parametro successivamente.

La prima macchina inserita in un progetto di linea è sempre una linea. Tutte le successive macchine saranno invece contrassegnate come componenti della linea. Non è richiesto alcun intervento da parte dell'utente, questo comportamento è gestito in automatico dal programma.

Durante lo spostamento di una macchina, è opportuno prendere in considerazione che:

- spostando una macchina componente da un progetto di linea a un progetto tradizionale, questa sarà convertita automaticamente in macchina tradizionale.
- una linea non può essere spostata in altri progetti.

Un macchina tradizionale può essere spostata all'interno di un progetto di linea e diventerà automaticamente una linea o una componente a seconda se il progetto di linea è vuoto oppure no.

Download this file (CEM4 Marcatura CE Linee.pdf)CEM4 Marcatura CE Linee[Progetti di linea][IT]686 kB3375 Downloads
  • Published: 04 September 2016
  • Hits: 41700

Assessment check list

Check-list assessment

Disclaimer CEM file

Import CEM file (type check list) 

Import a file CEM. "check_list.cem" 

1. Unzip the file .zip on the extracted file is check_list.cem 

2. Open the menu "File" CEM4 select "Import from file Checklist

3. Select the file "check_list.cem"

4. Start 

5. After import, the file will be visible in the "checklist" of CEM4.

Assessemet check-list

1. Create a "New Company
Company Name: Certifico Srl 
Status: Enabled 
Other fields are not mandatory, however changed at any time 

2. Create a "New Project" assign it to a "Certifico Srl
Project Code: Project CEM01 
Status: In progress
Company membership: Certifico Srl
Other fields are not mandatory, however changed at any time 

. Create a "New Machinery" assign to "Project CEM01
Machine Name: Machinery 01 
Model: Model 01 
Serial number: Serial 01 
Status: In progress 
Project affiliation: Project CEM1 
Other fields are not mandatory, however changed at any time 

4. Open the tree of the Certifico Srl - Project CEM01 - Machinery 01 folders will be displayed:

5. Open folder "Check list assessment

6. Click on the "(+) Add" in the main menu at the top, it will open a window "Document Properties

7. On the "Document Properties" will appear by default Code (es) CLK 001/000011 of the document, select in the drop-down menu a "check lists":



8. In the folder "Checklist assessment" will present the new document CLK 001/000011 on which to make a rating:



9. Open the document CLK 001/000011 you will see the screen working for the Assessment Checklist as shown below: 



  • Published: 07 March 2014
  • Hits: 17845

Custom risk Assessment

Custom risk assessment

With CEM4 is possible to build the customized risk assessment, for example: 

- Risk Assessments of technical standards 

- Risk Assessments of Requirements / Specifications, etc.. 

It's possible directly generate the document on which to make the assessment that import it directly from the site, section "CEM file", carefully read the Disclaimer CEM file.

Import CEM file (type Standards) 

Import CEM file "standards.cem" 

1. Unzip the file .zip on the extracted file is standards.cem 

2. Open the menu "File" CEM4 select "Import from file Standards

3. Select the file "standards.cem"

4. Start 

5. After import, the file will be visible in the "standards" of CEM4.


Custom risk assessment

1. Create a "New Company
Company Name: Certifico Srl 
Status: Enabled 
Other fields are not mandatory, however changed at any time 

2. Create a "New Project" assign it to a "Certifico Srl
Project Code: Project CEM01 
Status: In progress
Company membership: Certifico Srl
Other fields are not mandatory, however changed at any time 

. Create a "New Machinery" assign to "Project CEM01
Machine Name: Machinery 01 
Model: Model 01 
Serial number: Serial 01 
Status: In progress 
Project affiliation: Project CEM1 
Other fields are not mandatory, however changed at any time 

4. Open the tree of the Certifico Srl - Project CEM01 - Machinery 01 folders will be displayed:

5. Open folder "Custom risk assessment

6. Click on the "(+) Add" in the main menu at the top, it will open a window "Document Properties

7. On the "Document Properties" will appear by default Code (es) RAX 001/000011 of the document, select in the drop-down menu a "custom risk assessment":



8. In the folder "Checklist assessment" will present the new document CLK 001/000011 on which to make a rating:



9. Open document RAX 001/000021 you will see the screen working for the Custom risk assessment  as shown below: 




  • Published: 07 March 2014
  • Hits: 15100

Risk assessment

Risk assessment

1. Create a "New Company" 


Company Name: Certifico Srl 
Status: Enabled 
Other fields are not mandatory, however changed at any time 

2. Create a "New Project" assign it to a "Certifico Srl


Project Code: Project CEM01 
Status: In progress
Company membership: Certifico Srl
Other fields are not mandatory, however changed at any time 

3. Create a "New Machinery" assign to "Project CEM01
Machine Name: Machinery 01 
Model: Model 01 
Serial number: Serial 01 
Status: In progress 
Project affiliation: Project CEM1 
Other fields are not mandatory, however changed at any time 

4. Open the tree of the Certifico Srl - Project CEM01 - Machinery 01 folders will be displayed:

5. Open Folder "Risk assessments":


6. Clic "RA2-001/000016" and open one EHSR:


7. In the next screen the steps of Risk Assessment with feedback to the Applicability of the EHSR (A), the harmonized standards Presumption of Conformity (N), the Evaluation Sheet RA (in accordance with EN ISO 12100) and the Compliance EHSR (C). 

For other hazards related EHRS will be multiple tabs open RA.


8. In the next screen, initial and final/residual Risk estimation, in agreement with the Hybrid Tool of Technical Report ISO/TR 14121-2 p. 6.5:


  • Published: 07 March 2014
  • Hits: 20757

Technical file

Technical file

The Technical Construction File - FTC, or more simply, the Technical File - FT is, in short, " all documents " that the manufacturer must prepare to comply with the requirements of the Machinery Directive (see what says the Machinery Directive) .

The Technical File shall be made ​​available to the competent authorities of the Member States for at least 10 years from the date of manufacture of the last unit produced in the case of mass production.

The section of the Technical File, present in the Tree Archive, allows you to generate an index of the documents contained the FT.

CEM4 also allows you to manage documents created with other software (es, technical drawings, documents, photographs , etc.). , Through import in the database, or simply link.

It's possible print a complete index of the material in the Technical File, and you can also print the section separators to organize their Technical File.
The documents can be organized in a tree structure according to the section , subsection, to which they belong.

New Section

To create a new section of the FT, select New from the Tree of the central FT one of the entries : New Section, etc., or to add this to a Model:



New Document

To insert a document in the Tree of the FT, select "New" from the menu, the voice of the "New Document"  should appear on the right of the Tree of the FT, that item will reference a resource. 
It's possible to insert documents outside or inside sections (chapters):



Related Resources 

The document generated in the FT can be connected to a resource, both as a simple link that CEM4 imported into the database, this resource will be open from CEM4 read/write with the launch of its application. 

The resource can be an image, a text document, and so on.:



  • Published: 07 March 2014
  • Hits: 18507

Regulation on machinery | Consolidated text 2023

Ed: 1.0 July 2023
Operating Systems: iOS/Android
Publication Date: 06/7/2023
Author: Dr. Eng. Marco Maccarelli
Publisher: Certifico s.r.l.
ISBN: 978-88-98550-11-1

Download PDF

Google Play

Apple Store

Regolamento  UE  2023 1230

Regulation (EU) 2023/1230

Download Text Machinery Regulation EN

Regulation (EU) 2023/1230 of the European parliament and of the Council of 14 June 2023 on machinery and repealing Directive 2006/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and Council Directive 73/361/EEC.

(OJ n. 165/1 del 29.06.2023)

Enter into force: 19.07.2023

All web text

Changelog 2005-2020

What we did from 2005 to December 2020. 

The evolution of CEM4 2005-2020: Everything that has been done from version 2 to 4. 

Copyright Certifico S.r.l. - IT

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Machinery Directive

Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC of the Parliament and of the Council of 17 May 2006 on machinery, and amending Directive 95/16/EC (recast)

Download Directive

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Machinery directive HS

ebook Machinery Directive & Harmonised Standards Ed. 8.0 March 2021

Directive 2006/42/EC & HAS Harmonised Standards database 2021

Operating System: iOS/Android
Pubblicate Date: 26/03/2021
Publisher: Certifico s.r.l.
Language: English

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Guide to application of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC

Edition 2.2 - October 2019
(Update of 2nd Edition)


Archive Harmonized standards Machinery Directive

All the Communications of the harmonized standards published since 2014. The application of the harmonized standards is "Presumption of Conformity" to compliance with the RESS of Annex I of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC.

Harmonized Standards

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