UNI ISO 16368:2024
UNI ISO 16368:2024 / Sicurezza Piattaforme di lavoro mobili elevabili (MEWP) - Ed. 3 Dicembre 2024
UNI ISO 16368:2024
Piattaforme di lavoro mobili elevabili - Progettazione, calcoli, requisiti di sicurezza e metodi di prova
Data disponibilità: 05 dicembre 2024
Adotta: ISO 16368:2024
La norma specifica i requisiti di sicurezza e le misure di protezione/riduzione del rischio, nonché i mezzi per la loro verifica, per tutti i tipi e le dimensioni di piattaforme di lavoro mobili elevabili (MEWP) destinate alla movimentazione di una o più persone insieme agli strumenti e ai materiali necessari in un luogo di lavoro elevato.
3.22 mobile elevating work platform
machine/device intended for moving a person(s), along with their necessary tools and materiai to an elevated work location, consisting of at least a work platform (3.58) with controls, an extending st ructure (3.8) and a chassis (.3.3)
3.1 mobile elevating work platform
mobile machine that is intended to move persons to working positions where they are carrying out work from the work platform with the intention that persons are getting on and off the work platform only at access positions at ground level or on the chassis and which consists as a minimum of a work platform with controls, an extending structure and a chassis
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO 16368:2010), which has been technically revised.
The main changes are as follows:
- all requirements from ISO 16653-1 have been integrated into this document;
- in the Scope, additional details have been added included intended use and objectives;
- the normative references have been updated;
- in Clause 3, seven new definitions have been added to support their use in the text;
- Clause 4 has been updated to include a new figure for the rated load of tools and materials; Table 1 and Figure 3 have been revised to show load-sensing and enhanced stability examples separately and to include more working configurations; verification methods have been removed from each clause and placed in new Table 7 in Clause 5; access system requirements have been revised to include Table 4 and Table 5;
- in Clause 6, the contents of Annex F have been merged into 6.2.1 and the previous Annex F has been deleted
- Pubblicato: 18 Gennaio 2025
- Visite: 3553